Dragon Speech Recognition Software
Dragon Speech Recognition
Let your voice do all the typing
Dragon, the world’s best-selling speech recognition software, lets you dictate documents, search the web, email and more on your computer — quickly and accurately — just by using your voice. You don’t even have to lift a finger. Remember, speaking is 3 times faster than typing.

Dragon Medical
Using Dragon Medical Speech Recognition to Create Quality and Speedy Medical Report
We are the regional distributor and certified trainer of Dragon Medical speech recognition software. Many doctors have heard of the power of medical speech recognition and indeed many of them in Hong Kong and this region are already using it to increase the efficiency and quality of their medical reporting. But in case you have not adopted speech recognition yet, why not take a few minutes to read our information provide herewith?
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Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Faster and more accurate than ever, with next-generation speech recognition technology that continues to adapt to your voice even while you’re dictating.
Experience new blazing speeds, precision accuracy and enhanced features to help dramatically boost your personal productivity and help you realize your full potential – work or beyond.
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